Event Calendar —
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4-H Club Adult Program Bingo Book Babies Book Club in a Bag Book Making Book Sales Brickfast Cardboard Challenge Caregiver Connections Chapter 2 Book Club Chess Club Children Children's Program Coding for Kids Community Education Crafts D&D Days Dance Decode Detectives Extreme Book Nerd Extreme Book Nerd for Kids Family Fun Day Family Game Night Family Programs Family Storytime Finances Financial Literacy Friends of the Library Friends of the Library Week Halloween Parade Harry Potter Hockey Idaho Family Reading Week International Games Week Jane Austen Ball Kids Book Club KinderPrep Legos Let's Talk About It Library Card Signup Month Library Closures Library Databases Library News Literary Society Little Makers Lybrary Wyrms March Madness Meet the Author Money Matters Month-long activities National Library Week Never Too Late News Noon Year's Eve Nutrition Page Turners Book Club Paper Arts Pokemon Pop In and Play Programs Puzzle Question of the week Reading Challenge Santa Storytime Smokey Bear Spanish Spanish Storytime Special Events Spring Reading Challenge Star Wars STEAM STEAM Club STEM Storytime Sumer Explorers Summer Adventures Summer Program for Adults Summer Program for Children Summer Program for Teens Summer Reading Take A Look Teachers Technology for Teens Teen Inc Teen Program TEENtober Trick or Treat Challenge Tween Tuesday Winter Reading Would you rather? Write Over Here Write Over Here for Teens Writing Workshop Yule Ball

Get rewarded for reading!
How it works: Your challenge is to read at least ONE book a month. If you read more than one book per month, awesome! (Sadly, you don’t get extra rewards from IFPL.) You cannot work ahead.
Record the author and title for the book you read each month on the Printable reading log or on Beanstack, then come to the 2nd Floor Desk to claim your prize. Limit one prize per book per month.
Items you can count: Junior Fiction; Young Adult Fiction and Nonfiction; Junior and Young Adult Graphic Novels; Adult Fiction and Nonfiction; and Large Print. Audiobook and eBook versions of these books are accepted and encouraged. All books must be at least 150 pages. Anything you read for school or other IFPL reading challenges (e.g. Summer Reading) counts for this challenge.
Items you cannot count: Anything else from the Children’s Department EXCEPT for Junior Fiction and Graphic Novels; newspapers; magazines; PDFs; websites; fan fiction found on the internet; books under 150 pages.
Participants cannot be enrolled in either of the Extreme Book Nerd programs and Turn the Page at the same time – you must choose the ONE program that works best for you.
You MUST have a current library membership in order to be eligible to pick up prizes.
Prizes are available until January 15, 2026.
For more information, send us a message online or call 208-612-8460.

Legends of the Past
A 4-H Club Exploring Ancient Civilizations
Learn from history. Build your future
Starting March 3rd, come join the Idaho Falls Public Library and the University of Idaho Extension for the new 4-H Club.
Meetings will be held the 1st and 3rd Monday from 4:30pm-6:00pm.
What We Do
- Discover the secrets of ancient empires like Rome, Egypt, and China.
- Create your own empire through fun activities, strategy, and teamwork.
- Hands on learning, crafts, and games.
Who Can Join
- Must be registered with 4-H
- Ages 8+
- Register at Zsuite
If you have any questions, you can email ZMCCOY@UIDAHO.edu, call 208-529-1390, or visit the website at https://4h.zsuite.org.
For more information about this or other programs, send us a message or call 208-612-8460.

Wednesdays at 4:30pm in the 2nd Floor Program Room, come join the new teen D&D program at the Idaho Falls Public Library!
Each month, a new mini-campaign will start, so teens can jump in at any time to learn the fundamentals of D&D. Stay tuned for a lot of fun, quirky concepts!
Lybrary Wyrms starts July 10th and will continue all year-round.
Please register using the Lybrary Wyrms Google Form.
For more information, send us a message online or call 208-612-8460.

Join us Thursdays at 4:30pm in the 2nd Floor Program Room to learn how to make characters, create plots, and how to brainstorm your writing.
For more information, send us a message online or call 208-612-8460.

Innovate ‘n’ Create with the Idaho Falls Public Library! Come join us for our new teen Makerspace program! Teen Inc will be Fridays at 11am.
Each week will alternate between technology and crafting/making. Sign up using the Teen Inc Google Form.
- March 7 – Cardboard airplanes
- March 14 – 3D Paper Stars
- March 21 – Decorative Potions
- March 28 – AI Art Creation
*For ages 12-17
For more information, send us a message or call 208-612-8460.

Let’s Talk About It is back at the Idaho Falls Public Library!
Come learn about American Voices during this book discussion series led by scholars from around the state.
Meetings will be held on the January 25th, February 22nd and March 22nd, at 11am.
The books included in this discussion series are:
- January 25 – American Born Chinese by Gene Luen Yang, discussion lead by Carlen Donovan
- February 22 – Call Us What We Carry by Amanda Gorman, discussion lead by Carrie Seymour and
- March 22 – Maid: Hard Work, Low Pay, and a Mother’s Will to Survive by Stephanie Land, discussion lead by Carlen Donovan
You can pick up a book set at the 3rd floor desk.
We are so grateful to the Idaho Commission for Libraries – ICfL and the Idaho Humanities Council for this opportunity.
You must have a membership in order to participate, and all books are due back at the conclusion of the program on March 22nd.
For more information, send us a message or call 208-612-8460.

Wednesdays at 4:30pm in the 2nd Floor Program Room, come join the new teen D&D program at the Idaho Falls Public Library!
Each month, a new mini-campaign will start, so teens can jump in at any time to learn the fundamentals of D&D. Stay tuned for a lot of fun, quirky concepts!
Lybrary Wyrms starts July 10th and will continue all year-round.
Please register using the Lybrary Wyrms Google Form.
For more information, send us a message online or call 208-612-8460.

Join us Thursdays at 4:30pm in the 2nd Floor Program Room to learn how to make characters, create plots, and how to brainstorm your writing.
For more information, send us a message online or call 208-612-8460.

Innovate ‘n’ Create with the Idaho Falls Public Library! Come join us for our new teen Makerspace program! Teen Inc will be Fridays at 11am.
Each week will alternate between technology and crafting/making. Sign up using the Teen Inc Google Form.
- March 7 – Cardboard airplanes
- March 14 – 3D Paper Stars
- March 21 – Decorative Potions
- March 28 – AI Art Creation
*For ages 12-17
For more information, send us a message or call 208-612-8460.

Wednesdays at 4:30pm in the 2nd Floor Program Room, come join the new teen D&D program at the Idaho Falls Public Library!
Each month, a new mini-campaign will start, so teens can jump in at any time to learn the fundamentals of D&D. Stay tuned for a lot of fun, quirky concepts!
Lybrary Wyrms starts July 10th and will continue all year-round.
Please register using the Lybrary Wyrms Google Form.
For more information, send us a message online or call 208-612-8460.